Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cartas Abiertas a Soldados de FARC por estudiantes de quinto año de español.

Inspirado por TED Talk:

Queridos soldados de FARC,

¿Quien eres? Ustedes no son los hijos de la guerra, son los hijos de una madre que está preocupado por su seguridad y felicidad. No sólo su madre pero también su padre, y todos a los que han sido afectados por la falta que le hace un hijo, un primo, o un amigo. Regresa a casa donde tu amores de vida te esperan, te esperan que puedes ser feliz actualmente. Entonces por parte de tú familia, te pido que dejen sus armas y regresen a su familia que aseguró te reciben con brazos abiertos. Hay amor y la esperanza de que en este mundo. Dejen sus armas como sus hermanos antes de que usted ha hecho. En este instante tienes la oportunidad para traer paz a tu hogar y a la familia que has dejado atrás ¿Querido soldado de FARC que harás ahora?

Dan, Nick, y Sean

Una Carta Abierta a los Soldados de FARC

En la vida hay muchas opciones, y cuando cada persona hace una selección, la puede cambiar el mundo. Las decisiones que hace, valen. Usted vale para otros en su vida, para el mundo.

Tenga fey en su futuro.
Usted está muy faltado.
No ha sido olvidado.
Usted es un ser humano.
Vuelva a su familia.
Te Echan de menos en su casa.
Ellos le necesitan.
Nosotros le necesitamos

Sara y Kaitlyn

Una Carta Abierta a los Soldados de FARC

Queridos Soldados de FARC,

La guerra en Colombia necesita terminar. Si está buscando para un signo, esta carta es tu apoya para ir a su casa. Su vida es más importante que la guerra. Imagina cuanto su familia te importa. Los estudiantes en Los Estados Unidos piensan en ti. Tenga la oportunidad de traer paz a su país. Esperamos considerar nuestras opiniones.


Sarah y Annie

Una Carta Abierta a los Soldados de FARC
Queridos soldados de FARC,

Su familia está esperandote en su casa. Este guerra ha sido demasiado largo. Regrese a tu familia porque ellos te quieren. La vida es muy corta, y así que debes ser con tu familia y hacer las cosas quieres hacer y ¡ser libre! Puede ser que sientes como una persona de miles de soldados pero tomará solo una persona para inspirar miles. Será parte de la solución!

Colin y Chandler

Una Carta Abierta a los Solados de FARC

Queridos Solados de FARC,

Cuándo fue la última vez usted vio su familia, la familia que le importa y le ama ?

Cuánto tiempo ha estado en este bosque?
Hay una vida mejor, una vida más allá de esta guerra, y usted puede ser un parte de esto. Yo conozco que dejando esta guerra será difícil, pero muchos personas ya han salido, y si Usted es bastante valiente para luchar en esta guerra, es bastante valiente para salir. Usted tiene la opción para hacerlo.

Oliva y Swapnika

Monday, January 5, 2015

Wilton - El Salvador

Wilton, 24 years old, studied through the third year of secondary school and he couldn't continue with a university education due his parent’s inability to pay for university.
Wilton decided it was better to work and decided to provide trips in a personal car
The loan that he is requesting is to repair the car he uses for the trips, since it is damaged and at the moment he is left unable to work in providing the transportation that he does to other parts of the municipality and, in addition, he needs to do other repairs on the vehicle.

In the future, he plans to purchase his own minibus, since the one he is borrowing is very small and not many people fit in it, and also to be able to purchase a plot to build his own house.

Spanish students loaned $40 to Wilton and he is now fully funded!

Students in our class researched individuals on sites like, presented candidates to the class in Spanish, and we voted on which candidates we wanted to fund.

Elizabeth - Nicaragua

Elizabeth is a single mother who depends on the help of her ex-husband. Her two daughters are young and the oldest is in elementary school. She teaches secondary school classes at the local school.

Little by little Elizabeth has made improvements to her house where she lives and like all people she longs to see it be beautiful and she will not rest until it is 100% complete. For the first time she is seeking a loan from Kiva to construct a sump and to connect pipes for passing sewage. In doing this she will be able to make a toilet useful that she had installed the moment her house was built but because of a lack of resources she was unable to complete. Her family will benefit from this improvement and they will rely on better hygiene and privacy, and they will enjoy a healthier environment.

Spanish students loaned Elizabeth $60 and she is now 40% funded!
Students in our class researched individuals on sites like, presented candidates to the class in Spanish, and we voted on which candidates we wanted to fund.  

Learning Spanish That Affects Others

Olsen is 20 years old, and single with no children. He is studying kinesiology. He is an entrepreneur, responsible, independent, reliable and hard working.
He works and lives in Bolivia in the area of Cruze Villa Adela, an area characterized for being the nexus which links various towns to the city. It has a cold and dry climate and an altitude of about 3800 meters above sea level.

Olsen is studying kinesiology at a university, and is in his fourth semester and has to now take part in a professional internship. His dream is to graduate and to open his own physiotherapy office to help all those who require his services, especially seniors. He wishes to make the purchase of some medical equipment for kinesiology because his internship is starting and he requires that material. 
Spanish students loaned $135 to Olsen through and he is now fully funded!

Students in our class researched individuals on sites like and others, presented candidates to the class and we voted on who we wanted to fund.  Olsen was one of three individuals that we supported.